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Wireless status widget/watcher

Get wireless Quality link (converted to percentages) and wireless status.

Data is taken from /proc/net/wireless.

According to this website /proc/net/wireless has the following information:

This widget uses Quality - link and converts it to percentages (perc=Quality_link*10/7). The above equation is taken from this forum answer.

It also stores Status information (note that this is presumably device dependent).



lua local widgets = { wirelessStatus = require("widgets/wirelessStatus"), } -- Wireless status widget (`status` is presumably device dependent) theme.wirelessStatus = widgets.wirelessStatus({ notification_preset = { font = "Mononoki Nerd Font 10", fg = theme.fg_normal }, timeout = 10, settings = function(self) if self.status == "1" or self.status == "" then self.widget:set_image(theme.wifidisc) else if self.perc <= 5 then self.widget:set_image(theme.wifinone) elseif self.perc <= 25 then self.widget:set_image(theme.wifilow) elseif self.perc <= 50 then self.widget:set_image(theme.wifimed) elseif self.perc <= 75 then self.widget:set_image(theme.wifihigh) else self.widget:set_image(theme.wififull) end end end, }) local widget_wirelessStatus = wibox.widget { nil, theme.wirelessStatus.widget, layout = wibox.layout.align.horizontal }

lua -- wirelessStatus widget pressed function - open terminal and start `nmtui` beautiful.wirelessStatus.pressed = function(self, button) if button == 1 then -- left mouse click awful.spawn(terminal.." -e nmtui") end end